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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

El Cajon AYSO - Region 168

Silent Saturday

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WHERE:  On All Participating Region 168 Soccer Fields

All Area 11V Regions will host the 7th Annual Silent Saturday this season.

We recognize that the vast majority just cheers for the kids and the kids love that cheering!

However, we felt that the loss of cheering for one game was worth it to meet the following criteria:

  • To reemphasize that the game is about letting kids play soccer and have fun.
  • To give the players a chance to play completely on their own.
  • To eliminate the verbal questioning of the referee’s decisions.
  • To help the few parents and coaches who feel they must provide constant direction, understand that the kids can play very well on their own with limited instruction.

 While the vast majority of adult verbal participation is intended to be positive and constructive, the fact of the matter is that the games have become so loud that the players often have difficulty hearing and communicating with each other on the field.

Taking one week off from any verbal interference may help adults gain perspective on just how loud they have been in the past.

Hopefully, this effect will carry over into games in the weeks that follow.

Silent Saturdays have been tried in communities all over the country.

While there have been mixed reviews on Silent Saturdays, it has been successful overall.

El Cajon AYSO wants to continue the positive message of letting kids play and have fun. Silent Saturday will include all age groups U14 and below, with some slight modifications detailed as follows:

 Silent Saturday Guidelines

Spectators – Divisions U14, U12, U10, U8, U7, U6 and U5

  • Please be advised that you may not make any verbal comments on the game or direct any comments to the players or referee(s) – on or off the field.
  • Clapping is allowed and is the only permitted way to cheer during Silent Saturday.
  • Spectators will still be able to talk among themselves in normal conversational tones.

 Coaches – Divisions U14, U12 and U10

  •  You may not provide any direction, verbal or non-verbal, to players who are on the field.
  • You may speak quietly to any players who are on the bench.
  • Coaches may call out names of players being substituted at the appropriate time.
  • Coaches may address the players before and after the game and at half time.

 Coaches – Divisions U8, U7, U6 and U5

  • You may provide direction and continue to coach in a positive manner, as stated in AYSO guidelines.
  • We realize at this age children will need some verbal instruction during the game.
  • However, silence will be expected of the spectators on the sidelines.

 Players – Divisions U14, U12, U10, U8, U7, U6 and U5

  • You are encouraged to communicate with your teammates on the playing field.
  • You are free to support, provide direction and encourage each other.
  • Players on the bench may cheer freely in a positive manner but may not provide instruction to those on the field.

All coaches will be expected to fully understand, cooperate and communicate to every member and parent – the goal, philosophy and expected behavior for Silent Saturday.

If any coach has questions prior to Silent Saturday, please discuss with your assigned Division Representative.

Referees will be instructed to stop the game and issue a warning if spectators and coaches are not following Silent Saturday rules.

The Referee will then have the option to issue a second warning or may opt to terminate the game.

Let’s always encourage and support our players while they are learning and playing the game, but for Silent Saturday - “Mum’s the word!”

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El Cajon AYSO - Region 168

PO Box 190 
El Cajon, California 92022

Email Us: [email protected]
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