About Us
What is AYSO?
Mission and Vision
Six Philosophies
Kids Zone
Core Program
East County United
Volunteer Board Members
Regional Board
Registration Details
Registration Support
Refund/Withdrawal Policy
Team Manager/Parent
Game Schedule
Regional Calendar
Regional Events
Silent Saturday
Thanksgiving Tournament
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Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.
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El Cajon AYSO - Region 168
About Us
What is AYSO?
Mission and Vision
Six Philosophies
Kids Zone
Core Program
East County United
Volunteer Board Members
Regional Board
Registration Details
Registration Support
Refund/Withdrawal Policy
Team Manager/Parent
Game Schedule
Regional Calendar
Regional Events
Silent Saturday
Thanksgiving Tournament
Frequently Asked Questions
How long is the AYSO season?
s there any post-season play?
What is All-Stars?
Does AYSO have a competitive club program?
What does AYSO mean by "Everyone Plays'?
Why do we register 2 to 3 months before the season?
What equipment does my child need?
What size soccer ball does my child need?
Who will coach my child?
Who will call me about my child's team and how do I know when we will practice?
I see other teams practicing and I haven't been called. What do I do?
How much does it cost to register?
What is the registration fee used for?
Who runs my AYSO Region?
How do I become a volunteer?
Who are the officials during the game?
Are scholarships available for my child?
Are pets allowed at the fields?
How long is the AYSO season?
Response: The AYSO season starts in August with practices once or twice a week depending on age. Games begin in September and end before Thanksgiving. U16/U19 games end earlier to accommodate the high school soccer season. Most teams will play between 8 and 11 games in a season.
Is there any post-season play?
There is post season play for teams in age divisions U10 and older. For U16/U19, a team that finishes the season in first place in the Area V league will move on to the Section 11 Tournament in late October/early November. For U10, U12, and U14, the teams that finish in first place in the El Cajon regular season will move on to the Area V Tournament of Champions which is held in December.
Whichever Region/team wins the Area V TOC moves on to the Section TOC which includes teams from 8 Areas within AYSO Section 11 which covers San Diego County and part of Orange County. The Section tournament is held in February of the next year.
What is All-Stars?
All-stars is another post-season program for U10, U12, and U14. An All-Star coach is selected for each division and selects players from the available pool to represent El Cajon in the Area V All-Star tournament. Selections are made based on the coach's observations, coach recommendations, player ability and attitude. Consideration of sideline behavior is also a factor as we expect all members of an all-star team to represent El Cajon appropriately.
Whichever Region/team wins the Area V All-Star tournament moves on to the Section All-Star tournament which includes teams from 8 Areas within AYSO Section 11 which covers San Diego County and part of Orange County. The All-Star tournament is held in February of the next year.
Does AYSO have a competitive club program?
Yes, AYSO's competitive club program is AYSO United. United teams are built through competitive try-outs that take place in January or February each year. United teams play on a year-round schedule, including a spring season, summer tournaments, a Fall season in the SoCal gaming circuit, and winter tournaments. United teams are competitive with, and play against, all other local club teams.
What does AYSO mean by "Everyone Plays"?
Our program's goal is for kids to play soccer so AYSO mandates that every player on every team must play at least 50% of every game. It's no fun to spend the game on the bench...and that's no way to learn soccer! In EL Cajon we mandate that each player plays 75% of every game where possible. Exceptions are where the number of players on the roster precludes 75% play, and in Area tournaments where Area guidelines for play time will apply.
Why do we register 2 to 3 months before the season?
All player information must be entered into the AYSO database before teams can be formed. Entering players into the database is very time consuming. Once player information is entered, teams are formed and rosters are sorted for the coaches. Coach Recruiting must be done for all teams that have not had a parent volunteer to coach. Materials for coach and referee training must be ordered at least two months prior to the training. Coach meetings, trainings, and a parents meeting must be planned and take place before the start of practice. Uniform orders also must be placed to ensure players receive the uniforms before the start of games. Volunteers need to register online at www.elcajonayso.com prior to practices starting so that the information can be entered into the AYSO database and background checks conducted. Preparing for the soccer season takes at least three months and since everyone is a volunteer with jobs and families outside of soccer we need to start registration as early as possible.
What equipment does my child need?
Shin guards and socks covering the shin guards are mandatory during all practices and games.
Sneakers or Soccer Cleats
Soccer ball
Water bottle (optional)
What size soccer ball does my child need?
5U, 6U & 8U - Size 3 ball
10U & 12U - Size 4 ball
14U & above - Size 5 ball
Who will coach my child?
AYSO teams are coached by volunteers from your community, many of them parents with children in the program. All coaches will receive age appropriate training by the region for the division they are coaching in. If you are interested in coaching register to volunteer at www.elcajonayso.com.
Who will contact me about my child's team and how do I know when we will practice?
If you have not volunteered to coach you will be contacted by your child's coach. Coaches receive their rosters at the coach meeting and will contact the parents of each player on the team. Usually the meeting is held 3 to 4 weeks before the first game.
I see other teams practicing and I haven't been contacted. What do I do?
Please do not panic if you see other teams practicing and your child has not been contacted. If your child's coach was unable to attend the first coach meeting or is out of town then they may not have received their roster yet. Also, not all teams begin practice at the same time. The very young teams do not always begin practice on the same date as other teams. If you have not been contacted, email the division representative for your child's division. Contact information is on the website under About Us.
How much does it cost to register?
AYSO is very affordable. Check the registration page for the current season fee.
What is the registration fee used for?
Registration fees are used for players national fees, insurance, field rental, equipment (corner flags, referee flags, game balls, etc.), end of season medals, standard league picture package, program development, and other needs of the region and players. None of the region board members, coaches, referees, or other volunteers receive payment for their time.
Who runs my AYSO Region?
The AYSO region is run by volunteers who are parents just like you. These volunteers attend training and conferences to provide the best possible soccer experience for families in the community. Volunteers within AYSO are here because it's their passion...not their paycheck.
How do I become a volunteer?
It's easy. Register at www.elcajonayso.com. Talk to your child's coach or one of the regional board members at the fields. You can also contact the Regional Commissioner or any other board member using the emails on the "Contact Us" tab on the website.
Who are the officials during the game?
Game officials (referees) are volunteers. They may be parents, older players, brother or sisters of players, grandparents, etc. These volunteers attend referee training in order to provide the best possible officiating to the region players.
Are scholarships available for my child?
Limited scholarships are available for children who wish to play. Please contact our registrar at
[email protected]
for more information.
Are pets allowed at the fields?
Pets are not allowed on the premises due to various reasons, including we do not know who has allergies, we do not have a way to clean up after them and the owners of the fields requested that we do not allow.
Game Conduct
PLAYERS: Abide by the Laws of the Game, no foul or abusive language or gestures, have a positive attitude, commend opponents during play, participate in the traditional handshake at the end of the game, and most importantly HAVE FUN.
COACHES: Demonstrate knowledge of the Laws of the Game, respect all players, no foul or abusive language or gestures, utilize positive coaching skills (avoid constant coaching, no yelling at players), stay within designated coach area, show respectful attitude toward the referees, participate in the traditional handshake after the game, thank the referees at the end of the game and HAVE FUN.
SPECTATORS: Avoid coaching players, no foul or abusive language or gestures toward any player, coach or referee, abide by the Kids Zone guidelines (no tobacco use, no alcoholic beverages, no illegal drugs - this includes in the parking area as well), remain at least 3 yards from the touchline, acknowledge and congratulate both teams, HAVE FUN. We also ask that if you have children with you that are not playing, that you keep an eye on them. We allow them to play on fields not in use, but need them to be respectful of others and to not be climbing or hanging from the goals. We also ask that they do not play or be left in the parking lot or climb on the banks as this is not our property. At times, we have to utilize an area near the fields for parking and we ask that you be watchful of cars moving around and move over for drivers to get through.
REFEREES: Remember that the game is for the players, call a fair and unbiased game in accordance with the Laws of the Game, refrain from making trifling calls that interfere with the flow of the game, congratulate both teams and coaches, HAVE FUN.
Cooperation between coaches, spectators and referees will make playing soccer a positive learning experience for the players. Any player, coach or spectator exhibiting unsporting behavior will be asked to leave the fields. We strive to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all costs attitude and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.
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Contact Us
El Cajon AYSO - Region 168
PO Box 190
El Cajon, California 92022
[email protected]
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